Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

It strikes when you are sipping a hot drink, eating a piece of candy or breathing in through your mouth on a cold day. Tooth sensitivity can be a painful condition that affects your quality of life. It can also be a sign of a more serious problem, and when you experience sensitivity regularly, it […]

Taking the Dread Out of Root Canal Procedures

Whether your normal dentist finds a problem or a major issue is identified during a visit to an emergency dentist in Phoenix, AZ, little can send a shiver down a patient’s spine more than the term “root canal.” Root canal procedures have a reputation for being terrifying and painful, but the reality is much less […]

Clean Teeth, Healthy Body: How Oral Hygiene Affects Your Health

Believe it or not, the phrase “healthy mouth, healthy you,” is more than just a catchy saying. Problems in your mouth can impact your entire body. Before you ignore that toothache for the third week in a row, learn more about why you might want to find an emergency dentist in Phoenix, AZ to treat […]

The Difference between Gingivitis and Periodontitis

As your dentist in Phoenix might have told you, gingivitis and periodontitis are both gum diseases. However, some get confused and interchange the two, which is why we came up with this post to provide information on how one is different from the other. Gingivitis This is the inflammation of the gums that usually precedes […]

Guide to Dental Trauma: How Your Endodontist in Phoenix Helps!

Trauma to the teeth often occur as a result of sports-related injuries or other accidents. The most common of these traumatic dental injures is chipped teeth, while the less frequent are knocked-out or dislodged teeth but are more serious. Dentists in Phoenix will tell you that any dental injury, no matter how mild it is, […]

Dental Implants in Phoenix, Arizona: Procedures and Types

One of today’s popular developments in the industry of dentistry is dental implants. Phoenix residents commonly opt for this because it is a safe and proven effective replacement for the tooth root. This is typically made of titanium, and is placed in the jawbone to provide a stable and strong base for an artificial tooth. […]

Phoenix AZ Dental Emergencies

Indeed, there are several common dental emergencies that will require a prompt visit to your dentist to ensure that proper care and treatment will be provided. Previously, we had a discussion of the immediate response that one has to do regarding toothache, knocked-out tooth, broken or chipped, and loose or partially dislodged tooth. In this […]

Simple Oral Care for Teeth with Braces

People with dental braces are often faced with certain questions regarding the proper care and maintenance of this orthodontic appliance. With the braces, springs, wires, rubber bands and other materials installed, food particles can easily get stuck in very tight spaces, leading to plaque formation and even decay if not taken care of properly. Provided […]

Five Stages of an Orthodontic Treatment

If you ask your dentist in Phoenix, orthodontics will be your best option for improperly positioned teeth and jaw. This is a brunch of dentistry that deals with problems like overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, spacing, misplaced midline and crowding of teeth. If you are to undergo such treatment, you will have to pass through […]

Whiten Your Teeth the Natural Way!

Everyone desires to have an attractive pearly white smile. So, we do a lot of things to ensure that our teeth do not get stained or discolored. We avoid colorful food and drinks like dark berries, coffee and tea, red wine, and the like. We also try out several teeth whitening products and treatments that […]